RAJSHAHI, Oct 26: Speakers at a project launching workshop unanimously called for an integrated water resource management in the vast Barind tract for protecting its existing farming system from all adverse situation to feed the gradually rising population of the country, reports BSS. They viewed there are various occurrences of indiscriminate using of both groundwater and surface water due to lack of integrated water resource management causing abnormal lowering of groundwater table in this region. Besides, the future water resource management may face an alarming disaster if proper and integrated measures aren't adopted at once. So, there should be effective measures of proper and judicious using of groundwater side by side with rainwater and surface water. Water Resource Planning Organization (WARPO) and DASCOH jointly organized the workshop titled "Integrated Water Resources Management Piloting to Translate Bangladesh Water Act, 2013 in Barind area" held at conference hall of Chapainawabgonj Deputy Commissioner recently-. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) supported the event. State Minister for Water Resources Nazrul Islam addressed the workshop as chief guest with Deputy Commissioner Jahangir Kabir in the chair. WARPO Director General Selim Bhuiyan and SDC Senior Programme Officer Begum Yeasmin Sabina Lubna spoke as special guests. During his welcome address, DASCOH Chief Executive Officer Akramul Haque told the workshop that the three years is going to be implemented in 35 Unions and four municipality areas in Rajshahi and Chapainawabgonj districts. State Minister Nazrul Islam said the government has advanced to a greater extent in the field of construction of Ganga Barrage that will be implemented at a cost of Taka 32,000 crore with the financial support from Japan . Upon its successful implementation, there will no lowering of groundwater besides no problem of irrigation. As a whole, the venture will bring a positive change in the living and livelihood condition of the people. He also said the present government has adopted a Taka 234 crore project for protecting the Chapainwabgonj river banks from erosion. "Our government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is committed to protect the water resources," he added.